Top 10 Fully On-Chain NFT Projects of 2022
Our favorite projects of the year.
Written By
GreyblokPublished On

As the web3 industry continues to develop we’ve seen fully on-chain NFTs continue to innovate and mature. From world-building PFPs to general purpose 3d engines we’ve seen no shortage of great projects. These are our top 10 fully on-chain NFT projects of 2022.
10. Shapes2048
Shapes2048 by @makio135 and @clemsos is a generative art project that allows owners to regenerate artwork based on 4 different styles. You can create as many as you want until you find the seed that you like the most. Final forms locked in January 31st, 2023.
9. Infinite Scribble
Created by @minimizer_art, @infinitscribble is a fun and colorful art project that introduces some interesting mechanics. It is an open edition and free-to-mint project which makes it inclusive and an easy way to introduce generative on-chain art to anyone!
8. The Universe Machine
A collection composed of bezier paths, shapes and textures. It’s called “The Universe Machine” as it generates mini windows into fantastic galaxies. Created by @joshuadavis and @kohiart, the algorithm was converted from p5js into 31 Solidity contracts.
7. Posers
5,000 fancy dudes living on the blockchain. @PoSers_NFT are a cool, diverse and pixelated PFP collection that claim to be the first collection on Proof-of-Stake.
6. Tickle Beach
On-chain, 3d and interactive? What’s not to love about that! @ticklebeach was created by @pm to push the boundaries of NFTs by taking advantage of GPUs and WebGL to render these fun characters while also storing all 3d models fully on-chain!
5. The Kiss Precise
A long-form fractal gen art project based on Apollonian Gasket. The Divergence team (@divergencearran, @divergenceharri) are no strangers to pushing boundaries of on-chain art in Solidity. Along with @etheseus_art they have created an elegant collection.
4. network mythology & closed circuit
@ripcache is putting out the some of the very best on-chain 1/1s we've seen this year. We are putting both of this years collections in the #4 spot. ripcache’s artwork centers around CCTVs and aims to bring awareness to video surveillance.
3. Shackled Genesis
Shackled Genesis is the first 3d gen art project fully rendered on-chain. @SpectraArt_NFT are tech boundary pushers whether it be using supercomputers to generate art based on star data, or in this case, leveraging the Ethereum network to render 3d models.
2. Moonbirds 🦉
When @moonbirds was first incepted the Proof team always had the goal of having them fully "in-chain". Not only were they able to do that but they introduced tools for rendering bitmap artwork fully on chain called Solidify, a huge contribution to the ecosystem.
1. CyberBrokers
CyberBrokers have taken NFTs to the next level with beautiful art, world-building and storytelling. Each CB has identity and backstory. @josiebellini and team are building a captivating universe and have done an amazing job crafting one of the best NFTs of 2022.